Summary of Tributo a Antonio Escohotado: Isra García entrevista a Jorge tras el fallecimiento de su padre

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this YouTube video, Isra García interviews Jorge Escotado, the son of Antonio Escotado, to pay tribute to his father's legacy. Antonio was known for his unconventional thinking and his contributions to various fields such as philosophy, economics, and sociology. Jorge discusses his father's beliefs in freedom, his extensive knowledge, and his dedication to writing. He also shares personal anecdotes and lessons he learned from his father, highlighting his impact as both a thinker and a teacher. Overall, this interview provides insights into the life and work of Antonio Escotado, showcasing his unique perspectives and intellectual contributions.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Isra García introduces Jorge Escotado, the son of Antonio Escotado, who they are paying tribute to in this episode. Isra describes Antonio as a disruptor, defender of true freedom, and politically incorrect. They discuss a quote by Antonio that emphasizes the value of human innovation and the ability to make something cheaper than it was before. Jorge joins the conversation and expresses his gratitude for being able to pay tribute to his father and also share his own perspectives as an entrepreneur and journalist. They discuss the limitations of being exceptional in one area of life and how Antonio was a great thinker in his own right. Jorge also highlights the importance of not only creating the work but also being able to commercialize it.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the legacy of a philosopher named Antonio Escohotado, whose work was focused on political, ethical, and philosophical issues, including drug use and freedom. He highlights Escohotado's contribution to the intellectual world, including his opposition to the Prohibition era, and his utilization of Ortega y Gasset and Zubiri's reactionary philosophy. According to the speaker, Escohotado's focus on consciousness and his durability, with over 30,000 publications, solidify his significant place in the field of philosophy.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, Jorge, the son of Antonio Escohotado, discusses his father's unique perspective and unconventional thinking. Antonio was not easily understood in the Spanish intellectual scene as he did not align himself with traditional left-right politics. Instead, he focused on the concept of freedom versus authoritarianism, rejecting utopian and authoritarian ideologies. Jorge also highlights his father's contributions, such as his writings on social issues during the transition period in Spain and his groundbreaking book "Aprendiendo de las drogas" where he classified and described the effects of over 200 psychoactive substances. Antonio's controversial opinions on topics like drug use and prostitution made him a target of criticism, but he believed in shedding light on taboo subjects that others didn't want to discuss. He saw drugs as the fear of oneself and communism as the fear of others, and he believed that freedom was the cure to these fears. Ultimately, Antonio's legacy lies in his ability to bring clarity to previously murky topics.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Jorge discusses the concept of freedom and how his father, Antonio Escohotado, believed that true freedom is not simply doing what you want, but rather doing what you know needs to be done. He mentions his father's work on chaos theory and how it predicted events like the fall of Lehman Brothers. Jorge also talks about his father's translations and his extensive knowledge of philosophy and history, particularly his passion for Ernst Jünger. He mentions his father's role as a professor and his dedication to writing, including a book that took him over 15 years to complete. Jorge concludes by discussing some of his father's unpublished works and his personal connection to his father's legacy.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, Jorge shares his experience and relationship with his father, Antonio Escohotado. He explains that he was the only child who did not live with his father in his childhood. However, at the age of 16, he decided to live with him and make up for lost time. Jorge describes his father as more of a friend than a father figure and never referred to him as "dad." He also mentions that he worked as Antonio's editor and would suggest improvements to his writings, as his father was known for his dense and challenging writing style. Despite their differences, Jorge acknowledges his father's impact on him and expresses his aspiration to become a writer in the future. Additionally, he discusses Antonio's views on freedom and his extensive Wikipedia page, which Jorge finds remarkable.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Jorge Escohotado, the son of Antonio Escohotado, discusses his father's various roles and accomplishments, highlighting his intelligence and multi-faceted career. He mentions that Antonio was a writer, philosopher, lawyer, economist, astro-physicist, translator, and even a spiritual leader. Jorge also reveals that his father was an enemy of Maradona, emphasizing the diverse range of Antonio's interests and connections. He goes on to explain his own mission of spreading his father's thoughts through his company, La Emboscada, and his project, Memoralia, which tells the stories of anonymous individuals. Jorge reflects on his father's beliefs in the importance of being useful to society and the value of utility for others. He also shares some interesting facts about Antonio, such as being the most digitally-documented Spanish author and having a significant online presence. Jorge discusses how his father navigated the world of technology, with a mix of fascination and caution. He shares their close relationship, where he served as Antonio's secretay, community manager, literary agent, and companion.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, Jorge reflects on his role as a community manager and how his constant dedication to it comes from within. He mentions how his father, Antonio Escohotado, found in social media a platform to amplify his message and escape the influence of powerful forces. The trust and mutual benefit between them allowed them to collaborate successfully. Jorge also discusses his father's ability to silence others in debates with facts rather than opinions, and his pursuit of writing without the need for adjectives. He shares his evolving perspective on death, acknowledging both fear and a strange mixture of tenderness and farewell. Jorge clarifies that his father's death was not caused by cancer, as some media had wrongly reported, but by organ failure.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, Jorge reflects on the death of his father, Antonio Escohotado, stating that he fulfilled his own wishes of dying peacefully at home. Antonio did not want to witness his own decline in faculties and wanted to avoid saying things that did not align with his true thoughts. Despite concerns about how he would transition to the next life or immortality, Antonio's passing only added to his legendary status as he died with dignity. Jorge also reveals that Antonio had a fascination with firearms and even requested them from his loved ones, although he was not taken seriously. He did not opt for euthanasia, but the details of his death will be shared later in his pharmacological diary. Jorge believes that his father's love and intellectual curiosity were the keys to maintaining his independence and that he was always eager to acquire knowledge, even in death. Jorge briefly discusses some significant milestones in his father's life, including his upbringing in Brazil and his rebellion against the Franco regime in Spain.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, Jorge reflects on his father's belief that anyone can achieve what they want by putting in effort and taking advantage of equal opportunities. He emphasizes that the only equality that matters is equal opportunities, not equal salaries or status. He also discusses the importance of admiration and constant learning from friends, as well as the love and respect one should have for their partner, siblings, and parents. Jorge then highlights his father's remarkable life journey, from his time in prison to becoming a renowned author and social influencer. Finally, he describes his father from both a son's perspective and someone who has lived alongside him, noting that his opinion is personal and might not be the same as his siblings'.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Jorge discusses his relationship with his father, Antonio Escohotado, and highlights that while he may not have been the best father in terms of being present and involved in his children's lives, he was a great teacher and a legend in his field. Jorge feels a strong connection to his father's work and believes that his books will become classics in libraries around the world. He also talks about the pressure and impression that comes from carrying the Escohotado name and the responsibility of living up to his father's theories, particularly regarding drugs. Jorge admits that there is pressure to prove that his father's ideas are applicable to everyone and that he sees himself as an experiment of sorts.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, Jorge talks about the discredit that his father's work has faced and how his book on responsible drug use and drugs as a path to knowledge has been misunderstood. He also mentions that his father felt a sense of accomplishment from his book "Enemigos del Comercio" and that he was proud of it. Jorge himself feels proud of being Antonio Escohotado's son, but also acknowledges the pressure and high expectations that come with it. He shares a story about how his father helped improve his spelling skills by having him transcribe a book, which greatly impacted his writing. Lastly, Jorge mentions that one of the most important lessons he learned from his father at a young age was about the concept of the "imperativo categórico," which he- and many others- find fascinating.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, Jorge shares an important lesson his father taught him when he was 16. His father wrote on a small whiteboard: "Act in a way that your actions can be elevated to universal norms of conduct, as long as you treat humanity as an end and never as a means." This imperative, according to Jorge, meant that one should strive to be an example for humanity and influence others through actions, not just words. His father, unlike other philosophers, practiced what he preached, making him stand out. Another lesson he learned from his father was about the choice between alcohol and cannabis. His father advised him to choose cannabis over alcohol, as the latter is more destructive. While Jorge acknowledges the controversial nature of this advice, he emphasizes that his father always encouraged critical thinking and making informed choices.

01:00:00 - 01:45:00

In this section of the interview, Jorge reflects on the profound influence that his father, Antonio Escohotado, had on him and others in the last five years. He admires his father's courage and calmness when discussing the taboo topic of death. They both share the belief that after death, there is a state of dreamless sleep, a state of original emptiness. Jorge expresses his disbelief in the concept of heaven and hell, considering it outdated in the age of the internet. He also discusses the idea of the soul and believes it to be an invention of humans to feel important. For Jorge, these last five years with his father have been a fulfillment of a predetermined phase of his life, giving him a sense of purpose and mission. He reflects on his own birth, which he considers a strange event, and how he has spent his whole life searching for his own identity and purpose. He believes that his existence is meant for moral development and growth, and any additional achievements or projects are secondary. Jorge mentions that there are still 5-10 unpublished books by his father, including a personal diary, a pharmacological diary, and a book on the LSD-25 substance. The mention of these unfinished works deeply affects Jorge, as it connects to his own sense of purpose and destiny as well.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the interview, Jorge reflects on the profound influence that his father, Antonio Escohotado, had on him and others in the last five years. He admires his father's courage and calmness when discussing the taboo topic of death. They both share the belief that after death, there is a state of dreamless sleep, a state of original emptiness. Jorge expresses his disbelief in the concept of heaven and hell, considering it outdated in the age of the internet. He also discusses the idea of the soul and believes it to be an invention of humans to feel important. For Jorge, these last five years with his father have been a fulfillment of a predetermined phase of his life, giving him a sense of purpose and mission. He reflects on his own birth, which he considers a strange event, and how he has spent his whole life searching for his own identity and purpose. He believes that his existence is meant for moral development and growth, and any additional achievements or projects are secondary. Jorge mentions that there are still 5-10 unpublished books by his father, including a personal diary, a pharmacological diary, and a book on the LSD-25 substance. The mention of these unfinished works deeply affects Jorge, as it connects to his own sense of purpose and destiny as well.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, Jorge, the son of the late Antonio Escohotado, discusses his own aspirations of becoming a writer and how his father encouraged him to pursue a career with more opportunities like journalism. Jorge shares that his father had a novel that he never intended to publish and it was left unfinished, but Jorge plans to complete and publish it along with other books that compile his father's work. He also mentions the possibility of translating his father's writings into different languages and using his journalistic background to help spread information about his father's ideas. Jorge believes that his father was a brilliant thinker and hopes to continue his legacy by making his works more accessible to a wider audience.
  • 01:10:00 In this section of the video, the speaker talks about his father's belief that his greatest works are his children and how he recognized the importance of family. The speaker also mentions their experimentation with LSD and their launch of a non-profit platform to inform about the misinformation surrounding psilocybin. They then share their first psychedelic experience with their father, revealing that their father had offered them the opportunity to try drugs with him when they were younger. The speaker reflects on their limited drug use with their father and their conversations about various substances. They then describe their specific first psychedelic experience, which had a significant impact on their life. They tried LSD alone at the age of 17 or 18 and describe it as a before and after moment for them.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, Jorge discusses his father's teachings about the use of psychedelics. He emphasizes that drugs can be used with elegance, respect, and care, or without any of these factors. Jorge's father believed that if someone is interested in drugs, they can be taken without ending up in a negative situation. Jorge also reveals his project of creating a school of drugs, where experts in the field can provide accurate information and resolve doubts about drug use. He believes that approaching drug use in a safe and informed manner can turn it into a beautiful art. Jorge shares a humorous anecdote about his father's fascination with the effects of ketamine, recommending a video that showcases his father's humor.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, Jorge, the son of Antonio Escohotado, talks about his experiences traveling and giving conferences with his father, referring to it as the "escota tour." He shares how his father would sometimes get nervous about giving the same conference multiple times and would say that he only did it for Jorge's sake. Jorge also talks about his father's daily routine, which included studying for hours, playing chess, and writing, showing his dedication to his work. He also mentions how his father had unconventional parenting habits, such as not attending events or calling on birthdays, which initially surprised him but he eventually came to understand and appreciate his father's uniqueness. Jorge also mentions his father's casual use of drugs, which sometimes made him uncomfortable, but overall shares admiration for his father's habits and the way he raised him.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, Jorge recounts an experience where his father applied corrective measures to him. He was not allowed to eat until he read the life of Tiberius Gracchus in ancient Spanish. Jorge's father had a strict aversion to laziness, gluttony, and greed, and he instilled in Jorge a strong work ethic and discipline. Jorge admires his father's ability to study and his mastery of sacred substances, as well as his ability to resist selfishness, anxiety, and laziness. He praises his father's exceptional memory and his constant pursuit of knowledge. Jorge also describes his father as a disruptor, someone who challenged the established systems and beliefs, both politically and publicly. He attributes his father's rebellion and determination to his experiences in Brazil and his belief in a predestined fate. Despite facing criticism and doubts from his family, Jorge's father ultimately earned a good reputation through his intellectual contributions. Jorge emphasizes his father's ability to view things objectively and without bias, which allowed him to develop original and profound thoughts. Overall, Jorge admires his father's ability to constantly reinvent himself and his unique perspective on the world.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, Jorge reflects on some of the influential ideas his father, Antonio Escohotado, shared with him. One key concept was the idea of serendipity, or the unexpected rewards that come from seeking one thing but finding something else instead. Antonio emphasized that the best advice he received was to let go of willpower and instead follow intelligence, referring to innate intelligence and acquired talent. Jorge also shares that his father's success was measured by the friendships he had, while his failure was not having siblings. Jorge reveals some lesser-known aspects of Antonio's life, such as his pride in his past as a drug dealer and his belief that defying unjust laws was an act of bravery. They discuss Antonio's impact on his life, his use of language and jargon, and the importance of shared attention in creating meaningful memories.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, Jorge discusses the idea behind Memoralia, which was sparked by his realization that obituaries only seemed to be reserved for famous people. He believed that every life, including the lives of regular individuals, deserved to be remembered and celebrated. With this vision in mind, Jorge quit his job and founded Memoralia, a company that aims to leave a trace of people's lives for future generations to explore. He describes Memoralia as a "library of lives" that would make even the Library of Alexandria pale in comparison. The company collects and preserves personal stories and memories, allowing people to remember their ancestors and loved ones in a meaningful way. Jorge notes that while our society is obsessed with memory and technology, we often fail to remember the names of our own ancestors. Memoralia seeks to change that by creating a valuable repository of personal histories.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, Jorge discusses how his father made the decision to leave his stable job and start the company, even telling Jorge to quit his own job and try his luck in this venture. He expresses gratitude for his father's support and encourages others to search for the divinity within themselves. Jorge also emphasizes the importance of spreading Escohotado's message and hopes that this interview serves as a catalyst for individuals to seek their own enlightenment and contribute to his father's legacy. He mentions that he will continue the legacy by creating new works and translating them into different languages through various platforms like the web, YouTube, and social media. Jorge also mentions that he can be found on LinkedIn and other online platforms. He expresses his appreciation for reaching 100,000 subscribers on YouTube and thanks the viewers for their support. Overall, Jorge highlights the importance of embracing reinvention and disruption, and encourages everyone to realize that greatness lies within them. He concludes with his father's message to him, that he will be Jorge and Jorge will be him, signifying the interconnectedness of all individuals and the need for unity.
  • 01:45:00 In this section of the video, Isra García interviews Jorge about the passing of his father, Antonio Escohotado. The interview takes place on a Saturday evening while the two are out at sea. The segment is free of ads and is intended to give viewers an honest and open conversation about the subject. The interview takes place in a calm and peaceful setting, with music playing in the background to add to the serene atmosphere.

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