Summary of Ultra, Deno, ESM and Web standards with Omar Mashaal

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, Omar Mashaal discusses the Ultra web development framework, which uses React and is designed to reduce boilerplate code. He also talks about the benefits of using web standards with Ultra, Deno, ESM, and Webpac.

  • 00:00:00 Omar Mashaal discusses his work on the Ultra project, which is a modern JavaScript framework designed to reduce boilerplate bundling magic. He also works as a museum administrator and has experience with interactive sites.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, Omar Mashaal discusses Ultra, a web development framework that uses React to create dynamic, seamless, long-lived sessions without using client bundling or other complicated techniques. Ultra is powered by import maps, which allow for code to be written that is identical in browsers and on the server.
  • 00:10:00 Omar Mashaal discusses the benefits of using Web standards with Ultra, Deno, ESM, and Webpac. He also talks about his controversial opinion that JavaScript is better than default.
  • 00:15:00 Dino is a typeScript development framework that is simpler to use than other options available, and it integrates with other tools to make developing with typeScript more streamlined. Omar Mashaal speaks highly of Dino, and believes it to be a great choice for web developers.
  • 00:20:00 Omar Mashaal discusses Ultra, Deno, ESM, and web standards with Nick Taylor. He explains that Ultra is a JavaScript framework that uses unbundling to remove type script from code, that it uses React 18's new web stream, and that Zero Legacy is its philosophy of avoiding legacy code. Nick Taylor asks about the use hook and Omar Mashaal explains that it's a way to "pull out the head tags or meta tags and everything" and build out an app using React.
  • 00:25:00 Omar Mashaal discusses the differences between Ultra and other web development frameworks, explaining that Ultra is designed to be user-driven and allow for easy customization. He provides links to alpha documentation and a knowledge base that provides more in-depth information about the framework.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, Omar Mashaal covers the basics of Ultra, Deno, ESM and Web Standards. He explains that Ultra is a lightweight framework that uses React, and that ESM is a way to bundle React with other dependencies without having to use bundlers. He also points out that Sky Pack, which is an ESM-compatible package manager, is still up and running.
  • 00:35:00 In this video, Omar Mashaal discusses Ultra, Deno, ESM, and web standards with Nick Taylor. Ultra is a typeScript library that enables faster transpilation of code from Jsx to js. Deno is a React component that transpiles code on the fly. ESM is a library that helps developers create React components with sane defaults. Finally, web standards are discussed, with Omar noting that type script and jsx code are still legitimate code. Nick Taylor asks Omar if he wants to take a look at Ultra and Omar accepts. Nick Taylor then creates a project in Ultra and Omar walks through the project's features.
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Omar Mashaal discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using specific web development standards such as Ultra, Deno, and ESM. He also explains how these standards can be used in conjunction with Visual Studio Code, which is built with type scripts. Nick Taylor starts the video by showing how to start a basic project with Dino task, Deb.
  • 00:45:00 This video discusses the Ultra, Deno, ESM, and web standards with Omar Mashaal. Ultra is where you write your source code, Deno is where you write your routes, ESM is where you write your components, and the build script is what Omar and Nick do to build the site. Ultra and Deno use the same imports, which is great for development because you're pulling from the CDM CDNs. The build script also puts the URLs in their own vendor directory, which eliminates the need for a CDN.
  • 00:50:00 This video discusses how Ultra, Deno, ESM, and Web Standards with Omar Mashaal. Ultra and Deno don't bundle esm with their React components, but instead send it with the user's route. This new approach allows for greater flexibility and dynamic import maps. Server imports will not be injected into the client's import map, and the client's hydration will be identical regardless of the context provider used.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, Omar Mashaal walks through how to set up a basic React app with the help of TS, Dino, and ECMAScript 6. He also demonstrates how to use the Ono library for server-side routing and middleware.

01:00:00 - 01:25:00

In this video, Omar Mashaal discusses the differences between the various web standards options available to developers, including Ultra, Deno, ESM, and web standards. He explains that while the full and none options work fine, the disabled option removes all JavaScript and renders the page solely in ES5. He demonstrates how to use suspense in a React application and how it can improve performance.

  • 01:00:00 Ultra is a minimalist web development framework that is based on code, rather than file system routing. It is opinionated against file system routing and supports only code-based routes.
  • 01:05:00 In this video, Omar Mashaal discusses the differences between the various web standards options available to developers, including ultra, deno, esm, and web standards. He explains that while the full and none options work fine, the disabled option removes all JavaScript and renders the page solely in ES5. He shows how to set this option on a server-side file and how it affects the page when reloaded. Finally, he demonstrates how to use create element with ReactJS dev tools to create a simple landing page.
  • 01:10:00 Omar Mashaal discusses how web standards are implemented with his company's products, Ultra, Deno, ESM, and Web Standards. He explains that Web Standards are implemented with different hooks in product, and that users of the product will have different versions of their stylesheets depending on whether they're using prod or dev. He also demonstrates how to use suspense in a React application.
  • 01:15:00 In this video, Omar Mashaal demonstrates how to use React and web standards with Ultra, Deno, ESM, and WebFetch. He explains that React uses "fetch" to fetch data and then renders it while the data is being fetched. He also demonstrates how to manually remove dev and experimental from a React project's versions, which can improve performance.
  • 01:20:00 The author discusses Ultra, Deno, ESM, and web standards with Omar Mashaal. Ultra allows for suspense, which blocks the render from sending anything until a response resolves. The author mentions that React is doing something similar with fetch. Lastly, the author discusses how data fetching and React query work.
  • 01:25:00 Omar Mashaal discusses Ultra, Deno, ESM, and Web standards with Nick Taylor. He explains how Ultra supports data fetching, React, and 10 Stack Router.

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