Summary of Adam Saleh Podcast on Palestine

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Adam Saleh, in his podcast about Palestine, discusses his personal experiences at Palestinian rallies and his encounter with a pro-Israel media personality. He talks about the importance of Palestinians becoming lawyers, filmmakers, and joining the NYPD for greater representation in society. Saleh emphasizes that speaking against the Israeli government is not inherently anti-Semitic and questions whether speaking against ISIS is Islamophobic. He also discusses the situation in the West Bank and calls for more Palestinian filmmakers, lawyers, police officers, engineers, and influencers to stand up for their cause. Saleh's message emphasizes the need for unity among Palestinians, supports the two-state solution, and highlights the struggles faced by Palestinians.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the podcast, Adam Saleh talks about his experience at a Palestinian rally where he witnessed a fight breaking out and tried to calm the situation down. He also mentions how there were several Israelis harassing and threatening Palestinians at the rally, as well as police using tear gas and arresting Palestinian protesters. Saleh stresses the importance of Palestinians becoming lawyers, filmmakers, and joining the NYPD to have a greater influence and representation in society. He also addresses the misconception that speaking against the Israeli government is inherently anti-Semitic, and questions whether speaking against ISIS is therefore Islamophobic.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the podcast, Adam Saleh talks about how some people in the protest claiming to be from Palestine were saying hateful things towards Jewish women, but this goes against Islamic law as Muhammad forgave the people of Mecca who mistreated him and said that the Israelites were forgiven as well. He then goes on to talk about the history of Palestine and how Salahuddin liberated it 88 years after the Christians attacked and occupied it, and just like that, Palestine will be liberated as well. He states that he does not support Hamas 100%, but appreciates what it has done for Palestine. Furthermore, he says that Jews are like Muslims, and if a Muslim attacked a Jewish woman for no reason, he would intervene to protect her because Islam teaches to help the oppressed and stop the oppressor.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, Adam Saleh and his guest discuss their experience at a Palestinian protest rally, where they encountered an interview with a pro-Israel media personality named Barely Informed with Elad. According to Adam, the media personality had taken his comments out of context and portrayed him as willing to kill for the Palestinian cause. Adam and his guest criticize this individual and the pro-Israel media for using inflammatory language and trying to paint the Palestinian supporters in a negative light. They also discuss the origins of the Hamas organization and question whether Israel's support of the group makes it a "terror state" by its own logic.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Saleh criticizes the US government's decision to give Israel over $735 million in aid during the conflict with Palestine. He also questions Israel's actions, stating that they need to provide evidence before claiming that Hamas is using human shields. He further emphasizes that Israel holds the key to peace in the region and should give Palestine its own country. Additionally, he condemns the bombing of innocent civilians, including children, by the Israeli air force, and calls out the media for not asking whether Palestine has the right to a country.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, Adam Saleh expresses his frustration that the media does not disclose the names of those who are falsely implicated in the conflict as it ultimately leads to the creation of the next generation of Hamas. Saleh also calls out the Israeli government to condemn their army for the civilians that have been killed. He condemns Hamas for killing civilians as well and suggests that wars should be fought between soldiers and not innocent people. Saleh also shares his personal experiences living in Palestine, stating that there are both good and bad people in all groups. He recounts how he cries upon seeing houses in Israel that used to belong to Palestinians, emphasizing that the current conflict was sparked by the actions of the Israeli government.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the situation in the West Bank where Arab neighborhoods are being controlled and demolished by the Israeli army. He compares this situation to that of America where the government is kicking out the blacks and collecting rent from the white people. The speaker also mentions that the Israelis are stealing Arab homes and are proud of it. He further criticizes the Israeli government for allowing settlers to come in with guns and take over neighborhoods, while harassing and attacking Palestinians. Finally, he calls upon more Palestinian filmmakers, actors, lawyers, police officers, engineers, and influencers like Adam to stand up for their cause and make the world aware of their situation.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, Adam Saleh expresses his disappointment and disgust towards a former video collaborator who changed his Arab last name to a white Israeli one to avoid being looked at as Muslim. Adam believes that people like him have no values and sold out their faith and people. He calls for all YouTubers, influencers, and filmmakers to come together and make projects for the people in Palestine, Kashmir, Yemen, Libya, and all others who need help. Additionally, Adam shows his disdain towards Middle Eastern governments that sell out their people and Palestine to maintain their power and criticize these same governments for not standing up to Israel.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, Adam Saleh discusses the Palestine-Israel conflict and how it is not an even-sided issue, as the genocide committed against Palestine is not fair. Saleh also talks about how he dislikes when other influencers or celebrities, like Rihanna or Gal Gadot, claim it's just a conflict. He praises Bella Hadid for speaking out and losing contracts, showing that she is a true representative for Palestine. DJ Khaled, on the other hand, is called out for not mentioning Palestine and doing business deals with Israeli companies; Saleh believes that Khaled could use his platform to help but chooses not to. Lastly, he quotes a sheikh who highlights the importance of raising awareness about Palestine while reminding everyone that after they pass, their money and power will mean nothing.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the podcast, Saleh discusses the recent conflict in Gaza and the ongoing tension between Palestine and Israel. He mentions that the ceasefire is only temporary, and that tension continues to rise as Palestinians are evicted and their houses are destroyed. Saleh explains that Israel provoked Palestinians by attacking Al-Aqsa Mosque and allowing settlers to invade the area. He also says that Arab governments are unable to intervene because they fear the American government, and that America has a big influence in the region. Saleh emphasizes that the Palestinians are ready for peace and want a two-state solution that recognizes Israel but also allows them to have their own country with their own economy.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Adam Saleh and his guest discuss how unity amongst Palestinians can be a threat to Israel's power, and the need for filmmakers and lawyers to spread awareness and fight for Palestinian rights. They call for more films and stories about Palestine to be made and highlight the lack of representation for Palestinians in the media. They also discuss the importance of supporting local Palestinian businesses and providing job opportunities for Muslims. The guest also shares his personal background and credits his father for instilling Islamic values in him.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, Adam Saleh discusses the struggles faced by Palestinians, particularly those who lost their houses in 1948 and were not allowed to reclaim them. Saleh urges viewers to visit refugee camps in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and the West Bank to witness the issue firsthand. He also challenges YouTubers to go to Palestine and support the Arabs and Muslims who live there. Saleh discusses how Israel controls the media and diverts the issue by using the Holocaust and anti-Semitism card, and how they stole land from the Palestinians without compensation. He also highlights how some Israelis assault Arabs in their own homes and the police refuse to help. Saleh concludes by urging more people, particularly Muslims in America who have a good heart, to stand up for Palestine.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the video transcript, Adam Saleh discusses the importance of Muslims visiting Al-Aqsa mosque every year to show their support for Palestine. He challenges any Israeli YouTuber or news anchor to come on his podcast and openly discuss the conflict. He emphasizes that Palestine is not just for Palestinians but also for Yemenis, Turks, and all Arabs as long as they are Muslim. He advocates for a two-state solution where both Palestinians and Israelis share equal rights, and their holy sites are protected. He also expresses his support for Palestinian mothers who protested alongside Israeli mothers in Yaffa Gate.

01:00:00 - 01:25:00

In this YouTube video, Adam Saleh discusses his experiences with discrimination and bias, his interest in boxing, and his advocacy for Palestine. Saleh emphasizes the importance of judging individuals by their character rather than hating an entire group of people. He talks about the need for balanced teaching and respect for human life. Saleh discusses his plans to travel to Jordan, Iraq, and Palestine, and how he wants to make films and documentaries that show the Muslim side of the story to educate American people. Saleh and his guest also discuss the need to pressure Joe Biden for a ceasefire, equal rights for all Palestinians, and a two-state solution. They give shoutouts to various individuals and organizations that support Palestine and express hope for making more movies and podcasts to raise awareness about the situation.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Adam Saleh discusses the lessons his father taught him, including not to hate all Jews or Israelis, and to judge individuals by their character. He also shares his experiences with discrimination and bias, such as when he and his friend were kicked off a plane for speaking Arabic, and when he was subjected to extra scrutiny while traveling to Palestine. Saleh also talks about the controversy surrounding his high school project on the genocide in Palestine, and how some teachers dismissed it as less important than the Holocaust. He emphasizes the need for balanced teaching and respect for human life.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, Adam Saleh and his guest discuss the current situation in Palestine, as well as the lack of action taken by Arab countries to support them. They also discuss the Saudi government's actions in Yemen and the need to separate the government from the people. The conversation turns to the upcoming boxing match that Adam is preparing for with a pro-Israel opponent and the racist comments he has been receiving from him.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, Adam Saleh talks about his interest in boxing and how Logan and Jake Paul once wanted to fight his friend Slim, but when Adam himself offered to fight them, they contacted him nicely instead. He also mentions his desire to travel to Jordan, Iraq, and Palestine, where he has never been before but feels a strong connection to. Adam talks about his upbringing, having lived in Yemen for two years when he was younger, and his longstanding interest in Palestine, which he has kept throughout his life.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, Adam Saleh and his guest discuss their upbringing and involvement in advocating for Palestine, including attending protests and rallies from a young age with their fathers. They emphasize the importance of respecting and honoring our parents, as they are said to be the gates to paradise in Islamic faith, and share personal anecdotes about their parents' patience and guidance. The conversation touches on the treatment of Jews during past Islamic rule in Palestine and encourages dialogue and understanding on both sides of the conflict while advocating for humanity. They also mention the support of fans, including one named Jamad who introduced Adam to her friend during a Facetime call.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, Adam Saleh discusses the need for Muslims to make films and documentaries that show their side of the story, particularly about Palestine. He suggests that these films can help educate American people and get them on their side. He also talks about the influence of the Israeli lobby on American foreign policies, which is why Muslims are against the United States. Adam emphasizes the need to have more Muslim filmmakers to tell their stories and to have more representation in law enforcement, education, and other areas.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the video, the speakers talk about the protection of Israel with the Iron Dome that is funded by America. They also mention their views on Joe Biden, who they think is a Zionist disguised as a supporter of Palestine, and Kamala Harris, who they believe is working under a racist. They emphasize the need to put pressure on Joe Biden for a ceasefire, equal rights for all Palestinians, and a two-state solution. The speakers also give shoutouts to various individuals and organizations that support Palestine and inspire them. They express hope for making more movies and podcasts that raise awareness about the situation in Palestine and other places that need help.

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