Summary of Focal Clear vs Elex

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00:00:00 - 00:05:00

The focal clear and elex headphones are both great for different reasons. The focal clear has a cleaner and more neutral mid-range response, while the elex is better for accuracy's sake. In terms of soundstage and accuracy, the elex seems to be more "accurate" than the focal clear.

  • 00:00:00 The elects and clear are both great headphones, but the elects are more focused and intense. The clear has a cleaner and more neutral mid-range response, and the elects are better for accuracy's sake.
  • 00:05:00 The focal clear vs. the elex comparison reveals that the elects has a more "warmth" and "engaging" mid-range performance for vocals, while the focal clear is better at separation for vocals and a "tighter" overall experience. In terms of soundstage and accuracy, the elects seems to be more "accurate" than the focal clear.

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