Summary of Noosa Council - Planning & Environment Committee Meeting - 6 September 2022

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The Noosa Council Planning and Environment Committee discusses plans to add a landscaped area and a two-meter dedication to the side of a building in order to make the town more pedestrian-friendly. The council is also considering whether to allocate an extra disabled parking space, and is discussing a proposed offset policy to allow for landowners to pay to rehabilitate vegetation affected by their development.

  • 00:05:00 The Noosa Council Planning and Environment Committee meeting discussed ways to make the town more pedestrian-friendly, including plans to add a landscaped area and a two-meter dedication to the side of a building.
  • 00:10:00 The Noosa Council discusses plans for a new sign, traffic congestion, and potential disabled parking. The planning scheme encourages access through the rear of the property, but recommends providing two disabled parking spaces.
  • 00:15:00 The Noosa Council is considering whether to allocate an extra disabled parking space. The proposed space would be close to the lift and have easy access to it.
  • 00:20:00 The Noosa Council is considering a material change of use for a 90-dwelling development on Hoffman Drive, and has agreed to the applicant's representation to change the condition requiring the room to be used only for a study.
  • 00:25:00 The Noosa Council Planning and Environment Committee Meeting heard an application to reconfigure a lot into two lots, one of which would be unsuitable due to potential flooding risk. Officers recommended the application be refused due to a lack of adequate information.
  • 00:30:00 The Noosa Council Planning & Environment Committee met on 6 September to discuss the proposed covenant for the applicants requesting 10 meters of re-vegetated buffer around their house site. The applicant has not provided a proposal for what the buffer should be, and staff are unsure if the revegetation would create a bushfire hazard.
  • 00:35:00 The Noosa Council Planning & Environment Committee meeting 6 September 2022 discussed the ecological implications of vegetation enhancement along the Noosa River. The committee determined that 10 meters each side of the waterway was sufficient and that the risk from that extent of enhancement is suitable. They are seeking a 60 meter buffer so that the ecological outcomes can't be conditioned. The next door block was subject to a heated debate, with difficulty in reconciling the different values of the site. The committee decided that more value should be given to the larger remnant pieces, and that transferring some rehabilitation to the back of the block rather than the creek would work.
  • 00:40:00 The Noosa Council is discussing the possibility of offsetting vegetation loss from infrastructure projects with Transport and Main Roads. The council is also developing a more offset environmental offset policy which will be reported to the council in a future round.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses Noosa Council's Planning and Environment Committee meeting, in which the committee discussed possible financial benefits of replacing the Six Mile Creek rainforest with regrowth. The committee also discussed opportunities for rehabilitation of degraded sites.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the possible impacts of weed species on the native nature of a reserve, and discusses council's plans to deal with the issue. The video also discusses council's plans to create an offset policy, and mentions that the state and federal governments have their own policies in place for dealing with vegetation cleared as a result of state or commerce legislation.
  • 00:55:00 The Noosa Council is discussing a proposed offset policy. The policy would allow for landowners to pay to rehabilitate vegetation affected by their development. The policy would also allow for volunteers from conservation organizations to work on community projects.

01:00:00 - 01:35:00

The Noosa Council's Planning and Environment Committee met to discuss a variety of topics, including approving or not approving relaxations for code-compliant houses, ways to engage with the community to better inform them about dangers posed by polystyrene pollution, and the importance of data in planning and environment committee meetings.

  • 01:00:00 Council member Lee McCready has a conflict of interest in relation to the application by Alton Properties, and will leave the meeting room while the matter is considered and voted on. However, he will respect the decision of all the other people in the meeting on whether he can remain and participate in the decision. This is a monthly occurrence, and previous decisions have been made.
  • 01:05:00 The council discusses and approves applications for landscaping associated with roadworks. A technical question is asked about variations that were approved, but may have been applied for.
  • 01:10:00 The Noosa Council Planning and Environment Committee was discussing a request for significant setbacks in height or boundary setbacks for applicants' dwellings. Officers explained that this would add to the workload of officers. It was noted that some applications for dwelling houses involving boundary setbacks and height relaxations had already gone before council. One example was for the dwelling house at 66 Crescent Bay Terrace, which was contentious due to elements similar to those in application 27, which had already gone before council. It was noted that the building would need to be sufficiently set back for it to be articulated, and that if there was a height variation then it would relate to the roof picture.
  • 01:15:00 The council discussed approving or not approving relaxations for code-compliant houses. The workshop to discuss relaxations is planned for next week.
  • 01:20:00 The Noosa Council discussed ways to engage with the community, with the goal of better informing local residents about dangers posed by polystyrene pollution and improving the cleanup process following disasters.
  • 01:25:00 The presenter discusses the importance of data in planning and environment committee meetings and how the council can work with community groups to implement recommendations. He suggests a draft action plan to be created and brought to a second round table.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses the planning and environment committee meeting, where it was noted that costs and other factors need to be considered when planning for a wider response to a disaster. It was also suggested that a workshop be held to consider all of the groups that need to be involved in response planning.
  • 01:35:00 The council discusses ways to work better together and communicate with the community in the face of future emergencies. They also note that a workshop could be useful to improve the community's understanding of emergency preparedness.

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