Summary of 🔴 NETFLIX REACT.JS Challenge | Day 2 (Complete Frontend & API)

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The second day of the Netflix React.js challenge is focused on building the entire frontend using Redux, as well as incorporating the TMDB movie API to retrieve movie information. The YouTuber reminds viewers to register for the event to be eligible for the £7,000 worth of prizes and thanks the community for their support. The speaker offers positive feedback on participants' submissions and highlights notable portfolios. Despite experiencing a few technical difficulties throughout the video, the YouTuber remains determined, offers clear guidance, and stresses the importance of community in their work. The video covers various topics, including setting up a Firebase project, building the navigation bar and home screen components, and adding animation to the navigation bar using transition properties.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker introduces day two of the Netflix React.js challenge, thanking the viewers for their support and engagement. They start with a chat check-in and an overview of the build for the day, as well as highlighting some of the best resume submissions from day one. The main focus of the day is to build the entire frontend for the Netflix clone using Redux and incorporating the TMDB movie API to pull movie information into the project. The speaker reminds the viewers to register for the event in order to have a chance at winning the £7,000 worth of prizes.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the YouTuber discusses the NETFLIX REACT.JS Challenge and the prizes available for the winners. The challenge is a five-day hackathon where the participants will build the entire NETFLIX app with Redux powering it. The YouTuber stresses the importance of joining the Facebook group to be part of the challenge and enter to win the prizes. He also encourages participants to engage with the community and share their progress on social media to gain bonus points. The YouTuber expresses his gratitude towards the community for the overwhelming support that he and his team have received.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the video highlights some of the outstanding submissions for the Netflix React.js challenge. The challenge was to create a portfolio website and post it on Facebook using the guide section. The video shows a list of the submissions received, with notable mentions and bonus points for outstanding work. The video also shows some of the features that made the submissions stand out, such as clean design, aesthetically pleasing color schemes, and impressive animations. The video encourages everyone to keep participating in the challenge and better themselves as developers.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the YouTuber praises the submissions of the React.js challenge, highlighting the impressive work of Lee McFarland and Giovanni. He also notes the large number of submissions they received, with over 450 being sent in. He reminds viewers to sign up for the final day webinar to earn bonus points towards the challenge and teases a "huge surprise" on day five. The video then moves on to the actual coding portion, where viewers are walked through setting up a new React app using the command line tool "create-react-app" with the Redux template. The YouTuber also instructs viewers to open Firebase in Chrome to add a new project.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the instructor has users search for a Netflix clone on YouTube and then goes over to Firebase to create a new project. He walks through some of the steps of setting up the project, including creating a new Firestore database and enabling email and password authentication. The instructor also shows users how to set up code extensions in Visual Studio Code and copy the Firebase configuration into a new Firebase.js file. Additionally, he explains how to delete unnecessary files and get rid of Firebase analytics.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker addresses technical difficulties they are experiencing with VS code, but assures viewers they will overcome it. They instruct viewers to delete unnecessary files and content from the Netflix build and use the BEM naming convention. The speaker introduces the TMDB API that will be used to obtain movie information for the build. Despite the technical challenges, the speaker maintains a positive attitude and encourages viewers to help one another.
  • 00:30:00 running. In this section, the speaker experiences some technical difficulties with the audio, but quickly resolves the issue and continues on with building the Netflix app using React.js. They run the command "yarn start" to start the application, and although there are some errors that pop up, they persevere and successfully get the app running on their local host. The speaker also mentions switching to using their AirPods for audio, but experiences some static at first before resolving the issue. Despite the technical setbacks, they remain determined to build the app and move forward.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the video, the instructor begins by setting up the home screen component for the Netflix React.js challenge. They create a new component called HomeScreen.js and link it to its associated CSS file. The instructor then explains the structure of the Netflix interface including the navbar at the top, the banner, and their various rows that get rendered on the screen. They start by building the navbar component and create a new component called Nav.js to represent it.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the video tutorial focuses on building the nav bar component for the Netflix React.js challenge. The instructor demonstrates how to create a nav.js file and import the necessary CSS styling to create a navigational bar at the top of the screen. The video experiences some technical difficulties, but the instructor persists, using his microphone and airpods as backups to continue the tutorial. Despite the interruptions, the instructor manages to provide clear guidance and maintain engagement with over 450 viewers.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker is setting up the navigation bar for their React.js challenge, including an image tag for the Netflix logo and an avatar image. They encounter some technical difficulties with their headset, but with the help of the chat, they are able to troubleshoot the issue and get back on track. The speaker thanks the viewers for their support and emphasizes the importance of the community in their work.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the video, the presenter is working on the styling of the navigation menu for the Netflix React.js challenge. They start by making the container into a flex and adding space between the content. Then they proceed to style the logo, making the position fixed and giving it a width and height of 30 pixels. They also give the avatar picture a cursor pointer and adjust the position of the logo until it's in the top right corner. Finally, they give the background a black color and change the Netflix logo to a transparent one.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the video, the instructor demonstrates how to implement the black navigation bar to the top of the page and add animation to it such that it appears and disappears when scrolling. They use the Netflix logo, which they make transparent, and style it to match the navigation bar. They also add a test h1 element to the page to create a scrollable container for testing purposes. Finally, they show how to add animations to the navigation bar using transition timing and duration properties.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This YouTube video demonstrates how to use React.js to create an interactive and dynamic Netflix clone. The video covers a range of topics, including adding functionality to the navbar, creating the banner component with a backdrop image, styling the banner and buttons while keeping the code simple, text truncation, obtaining an API key from The Movie Database (TMDb), using Axios library to fetch data from TMDb, setting up the base URL and API key, and fetching movie data. The team also builds out the frontend, adding a subtle gradient effect and changing the background color to black, and creating rows for different genres of films using props and state management.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the instructor adds functionality to the navbar to make it appear black when the user scrolls down the page. They use a useState hook to define a piece of state called "show" with a default value of false. Then, they create a function called "transition navbar" which determines whether or not to show the navbar based on the user's scroll position. They implement an event listener using useEffect and add this listener to the "scroll" event. Finally, they use the "show" variable to add the appropriate styles to the navbar, which will cause it to appear black when the user scrolls down the page.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker shows the implementation of a nice little trick for adding a black navigation bar only when the show variable is true using string interpolation on the app.js file. He then proceeds to create the banner component, complete with a backdrop image which is a dummy image for now. The banner component includes an inline style, which is explained by the speaker, and the use of the header class. The speaker encourages new viewers to take their time and not be afraid of getting left behind, despite the tech issues that they have been experiencing.
  • 01:10:00 In this section of the video, the presenter demonstrates how to add a background image to the banner of a Netflix clone using React JS. They use concatenation to add the URL of the image, and specify the background size, position, and color. The banner height is set to 448 pixels, and a div is added for the banner contents, which includes an h1 element for the movie name and a div for the buttons, with one button labeled "play". They emphasize the importance of keeping the design simple and avoiding overcomplicating the build.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the video creator shows the audience how to style the banner for the movie listing. They begin by adding class names to both the play and add to my list buttons, and then add a banner description which will be for the movie description, followed by a div with a modifier called fade button, which creates a fade effect on the button at the end. The creator then goes on to style the banner using CSS by targeting the banner contents, adding a margin-left of 30 pixels and padding-top of 140 pixels, and changing the background image to a black banner for clearer visibility. They also provide tips and tricks for simplifying the code for beginners.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker talks about the styling changes they made to the banner title and description, as well as the buttons. They added a font size of 3ram, font weight of 800, and padding bottom of 0.3ram to the banner title. Then, they made the banner description smaller with a line height of 1.3, padding top of 1ram, a font size of 0.8, and a max width of 360 pixels. They also added a fade to the bottom of the banner description with a linear gradient. They styled the button with a cursive pointer, white color, and a border of none, giving it a clean look with padding left, margin right and a font weight of 700. Lastly, they added a nice hover effect to the button by changing the color of the text to black and background color to a subtle white with transitions.
  • 01:25:00 "In this section, the video creator adds a truncate method to the code to shorten text descriptions that are too long. They then explain how to use the ellipsis function to handle undefined strings and introduce the concept of substring, which allows a string to be cut after reaching a specific character count. The video creator then proceeds with fetching movie data by pulling in the banner and utilizing Overall, the section covers text truncation and the beginning stages of fetching data."
  • 01:30:00 In this section, Sunny Sangha walks through the steps to obtain an API key from The Movie Database (TMDb), which will allow us to get data from their API. He demonstrates how to create an account and obtain the key from the TMDb website, as well as the use of the axios library to make requests to the API from our application's front-end. Users are instructed to install axios and initialize it using a create method, allowing them to append the API key in requests and authenticate the origin of the request.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the instructor explains how to set up the base URL and the API key in requests.js file, which will allow us to fetch information using Axios. He shows how to concatenate the API key into the URL and provides a list of all the different endpoints that can be used for requesting different genres from tmdb. While explaining this, he reminds the viewers to get their own API keys and how it's typically stored in a process environment. Finally, he exports the default request to be used outside of the component for fetching information.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, the instructor prepares a piece of state to fetch a movie from the TMDB database and stores it using the USDA hook. A use effect is used to fetch the movie information, and an async function is called to do this. The instructor uses axios to make an async call and sets the movie to the requested data. The length of the results that come back is used to generate a random number, and the request results set the movie to that movie. The console.log movie is used to test if this works correctly.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, the focus of the video is on fetching data from the movie database and using it to populate elements on the webpage, such as the movie title, movie name and movie overview. They demonstrate how to append the backdrop path to the URL and use string interpolation to get the correct image, which changes upon each refresh due to the request being made each time. Overall, the video demonstrates how to use React.js to create an interactive and dynamic webpage using external APIs.
  • 01:50:00 In this section, the team continues building out the frontend and shows how to add a subtle gradient effect at the bottom and change the background color to black. They also start building the rows for the different genres of films, each with a title and a corresponding fetch URL. The team explains how props work and adds a final prop to specify if the row is a large row or not. They duplicate this for all the different genres and make sure everything is looking nice and clean.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, the developer creates a row component and adds a title to it using props. They then destructure the props in order to create a state to keep track of the movies, which will be fetched and mapped through to display on the row component. The developer also mentions adding an animation called "flip move" to the build to make it look better. Finally, they remind viewers to keep the chat positive and clean, as moderators are present.

02:00:00 - 02:35:00

The Netflix React.js Challenge, focused on completing a React.js app using Axios to fetch data from an API, was the subject of this video. The development of various components, including the image component, row component, and poster component, as well as the application of styling and deployment, was covered. Homework was assigned for the next day, and the instructor urged viewers to join the community and submit proof of completed homework. The speaker then concludes the video, expressing his eagerness for the next day's session.

  • 02:00:00 React.js app and I need to use the useEffect hook to fetch data from an API. In the excerpt, the host writes an async function called fetchData, which uses Axios to get data from a URL passed in as a prop. The hook then sets the fetched data to the state of the component. Afterwards, the host uses the map function to iterate through the movies array and returns an image for each movie. The goal of the hackathon is to complete the app by the end of the challenge.
  • 02:05:00 In this section, the developers continue to work on the image component by adding a base URL and interpolating the image source. They also add a class name to the image and a key to clean up the code. The developers encounter some tech issues, but they remain committed to completing their task. They also work on the row component and style the text to make it more visible. Despite some setbacks, the developers are making progress and gaining likes on their YouTube video.
  • 02:10:00 In this section, the instructor shows how to add styles to the poster component in the Netflix React.js Challenge. First, a div container is created with the class "row-posters" to surround the poster component. The row-posters class is then given the style display: flex to organize the items in a row. The overflow-y property is set to hidden, while overflow-x is set to scroll to enable horizontal scrolling. Additionally, the instructor targets the webkit-scrollbar and applies display: none to hide the scrollbar. Object-fit contain is applied to maintain the aspect ratio of the poster, and margin-right is set to create space between the posters. Finally, the width is set to 100, and the instructor applies a transition transform of 450 milliseconds, which will be explained later.
  • 02:15:00 In this section, the instructor adds a nice little trick to the code by using transform scale and opacity to create a hover effect on the large posters. They also add max height for the roll poster large and transform it to a 9 scale to create a slightly bigger scaling effect. To fix any dead links that might appear, the instructor adds a conditional to only render the poster if certain criteria are met. This prevents any broken image tags from appearing on the web page. However, a small issue arises in the large row of Netflix, but it is quickly fixed by double-checking and removing a change made earlier.
  • 02:20:00 In this section, the instructor shows the progress made in the Netflix React.js challenge and gives homework for the next day to finish the front-end portion of the project. Students are required to build the home screen component with a nav bar and several rows. The instructor also talks about adding login functionality, a payment plan screen, and a checkout process in the coming days. He also shows how to deploy the app using Firebase and encourages students to add their own features to the project while also giving bonus points for implementing a trailer functionality.
  • 02:25:00 In this section of the Netflix React.js Challenge, the instructor walks through the steps for deploying the Netflix clone application to the web using Firebase hosting. He explains how to effectively bundle the React app that was previously built and send it to Firebase for deployment. Once users have ensured that they have run "npm run build" and that it has successfully created the "build" folder for the production build, they can use "firebase deploy" to deploy their app live on the web. The instructor also assigns homework for users to deploy the app and test it out before moving on to day 3 of the challenge.
  • 02:30:00 In this section, the speaker goes through the steps required to complete the Day 2 homework for the Netflix React.js Challenge. He stresses the importance of following all five steps, including registering for the final surprise event on Day 5 and submitting the homework screenshot proof in the Facebook chat. He also announces that on Day 3, they will add login functionality and the My Profile screen to the build using Redux. The speaker encourages participants to use the Facebook community to help each other out and promises exciting bonuses for the winners of the challenge.
  • 02:35:00 This is not an excerpt from the video itself, but rather a closing remark from the speaker. He mentions the absence of music and will instead read comments while drinking water. He says goodbye to his audience and expresses his excitement for the next day's session.

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