Summary of Is The Future Predetermined By Quantum Mechanics?

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

The video discusses the question of whether or not the future exists, and whether or not it is determined by quantum mechanics. It states that the answer depends on your chosen interpretation of quantum mechanics, and that there are other interpretations that deserve mention. It concludes that the present exists, but that the idea of a now slice through the block universe is meaningless.

  • 00:00:00 According to quantum mechanics, the future is not predetermined, but it is instead determined by the wave function. It is possible for the wave function to randomly collapse into a single, defined reality. This means that it is impossible to predict the state of a system after observation. There are two popular interpretations of quantum mechanics: the Copenhagen interpretation, which states that a quantum system is in a state of undefinedness until observed, and the many world's interpretation, which states that the wave function never collapses.
  • 00:05:00 The many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics allows for a deterministic universe or "multiverse" in which different realities "exist" simultaneously. In this interpretation, the future is always determined by the past, and present is always determined by the future and present together. However, this interpretation has some subtlety issues that need to be taken into account, and it's not the only possible interpretation. Another interpretation, called Copenhagen, situates an observer within the universe and allows for the wave function of their future to be collapsed before it's reached. This theory is related to relativity and quantum Darwinism.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the question of whether or not the future exists, and whether or not it is determined by quantum mechanics. It states that the answer depends on your chosen interpretation of quantum mechanics, and that there are other interpretations that deserve mention. It concludes that the present exists, but that the idea of a now slice through the block universe is meaningless.
  • 00:15:00 In the video, a professor discusses the concept of quantum mechanics and how it might determine the future. He notes that the brain is probably not fundamentally different from a frozen brain, and that consciousness probably requires dynamical processes. He also says that Einstein was perhaps the smartest man in the block universe, and that Rick Sanchez is the smartest man in the multiverse.

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