Summary of Medición de Flujo (caudalimetros industriales)

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses industrial flow meters, with a focus on the various technology options available and the various factors that can affect measurement accuracy. It also covers the importance of instrument design features that add value to the system, such as torque and position stability. Finally, the presenter discusses some common installation issues that can affect flow measurement accuracy.

  • 00:00:00 This video discusses industrial flow meters, with a focus on the various technology options available and the various factors that can affect measurement accuracy. It also covers the importance of instrument design features that add value to the system, such as torque and position stability. Finally, the presenter discusses some common installation issues that can affect flow measurement accuracy.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses industrial flow meters and how to maintain them properly. One common mistake is not taking into account the installation conditions, which can lead to incorrect dimensions measurements after the installation. In another error, high temperature can cause instrument malfunction. In the final section, the video compares industrial flow meters based on their level of sensitivity to temperature.
  • 00:10:00 The measurement of flow uses a differential pressure transmitter to measure level, and we use a wet connection called a "wet leg" to ensure the hot water from the boiler does not affect the temperature of the instrument operation. It is important to keep in mind because those industrial flow meters usually work at a temperature of 100 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, but a boiler can work at 200 to 230 degrees. Those excess temperatures in the transmitter can lead to internal changes in their construction and, of course, measurement errors. The control of the boiler is associated with other systems and measurement of level is part of those systems. The boiler has many protections based on low or high level, but if any of those conditions occur, like we are seeing with the low level at the minimum measurement point of the pressure transmitter, then the wet leg can be lost, and vapor directly to the transmitter can occur. This can even occur before the equipment in its construction and installation is designed well, and potentially prevent those situations from occurring. It is an error that is due to the operation, a failure of any other system. Another error that can happen is that it is not from environmental factors, and in this case, we will see that the previous errors that were caused by process-related factors affected the
  • 00:15:00 This video discusses how to adjust industrial flow meters to reduce errors. It discusses factors that can affect the accuracy of the meter, such as using a calibration tool that fits the instrument's specific configuration. Next, the deriva error is discussed, which is the slow, gradual change in flow rate over time. Finally, metodological aspects of flow meters are discussed, such as how the instrument's speed can change with age. All of these concepts are important when designing an industrial flow-measuring system.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, industrial liquidation meters are discussed in terms of international standards, but there are many other processes that are not as complex and are not standardized. This is why customers prefer to do the measurement themselves, rather than having to make numerous compensations as is seen in the slide. Much of the variability in volume measurement depends on temperature, so additional compensations must be made in most cases. In conclusion, it is important to select the correct equipment for a specific process, in order to ensure that environmental conditions are met. These conditions can be guaranteed by process-specific measurement devices that are 0.1% accurate or less. There are two main types of industrial measurement devices-volumetric and basic. Volumetric devices use direct flow measurement methods, while basic devices use indirect measurements via pressure differential transmitters and pressure- differential gauges. We also discuss area-variable turbopumps and electromagnetic measurement devices. Volumetric displacement measurement devices are the most common and are used for most liquidating processes. They are affordable when small sizes are involved, but can become more expensive as the device becomes larger. An electrical device can also be added to these devices, and is usually considered a traditional technology. It is easy to become intrusively invasive with this
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the accuracy of industrial flow meters, which can be inaccurate at low speeds and when exceeded speed is between 80 and 100% of the range maximum. Accuracy of these meters becomes dependent on the manufacturer. In terms of pressure measurement devices, differential pressure and the example of platinum gauges used in industrial processes, the device consists of a plate that is placed in a pipe, and nearly we are creating an obstruction as the cold relates to that obstruction, generating high and low pressure zones when the fluid flow increases in speed. This design of pressure plates, which also depends on the manufacturer, is typically a low cost solution. Another technology is industrial flow meters that are variable flow, which takes into account the dimensions of the entire system. In this case, the meter will take into account the area of the float, the pipe, and the weight of the float. And force applied to the fluid will also be taken into account. Temperature and viscosidad will also be taken into account. Overall design can be either completely metal or metal with a shiny finish.
  • 00:30:00 This video discusses industrial-grade caudalmeters, which can be either metal or plastic and with a regulator valve, which are specifically specified according to the requirements of the customer. Some advantages of this technology include low cost, simple devices with many protocol options, and the ability to add an external electronic sensor. One downside is that these devices have a stronger effect on the fluid than traditional flow meters, which can be calibrated based on the substance being measured. This means that the device's density and size can change with the process's viscosity and density, which can create inaccurate measurements. These meters are intrusive and work only in one direction; they are also limited in size and accuracy. The Vortex meter, which is based on the principle of generating vortexes as the liquid moves around a body, is more accurate and has a higher resolution than other types of meters. However, it is more expensive. Applications for industrial-grade caudalmeters include measuring liquids with viscosities ranging from 1.6 to 4.0 SGPA, and gas and vapor fluids with a viscosity of 3 to 5 SGPAs.
  • 00:35:00 This video discusses industrial caudalimeters, which measure flow rates with a high degree of precision (usually within 0.5 to 2%. This precision depends on the type of fluid being measured, whether it is a liquid or a gas. If the fluid being measured is a liquid, the accuracy might be 0.5% but, if measuring a vapor, the accuracy could be as high as 0.71%. All of these characteristics need to be considered when designing an instrument for this type of measurement. Electromagnetic instruments typically have very important characteristics, based on technology developed for generating electromagnetic fields via the law of stopping and starting. The instrument's input interface is also important, as the voltage induced in any conductor while it is moving in a straight line through a magnetic field is proportional to the speed of the conductor. Fluid conductors can be used in these instruments, with a conductivity greater than 2 microsiemens. Heart Foundation filmus modbus systems are available in sizes from 0.1 to 72 inches in diameter, and are very versatile for use with liquids and corrosive or abrasive media. The instrument's internal coatings can be either flowers in cauchemar, cast iron, or platinum, or video. These instruments have a broad
  • 00:40:00 This video discusses industrial caudalometers and their uses. The two internal tubes can be moving in parallel or perpendicular to one another, but there is no option in the tubes for detection. If fluid migration is not occurring at each end of the tube, it will be symmetrical, but when fluid flow is present, the options for torque and acceleration become available. Two lateral bobines are used to detect torsion. The relationship between wave displacement and fluid flow is proportional to greater wave displacement at a greater frequency. The flow rate can also be measured indirectly by the volume displacement of the heavy bobine. The crosstalk between the two lighter bobines can be used to measure the density of the fluid. Temperature and concentration can also be calculated indirectly by the equipment. This type of equipment is very robust and can measure a variety of fluids. Applications include fluid monitoring in industrial processes such as injection molding and the construction of drywall, as well as in the petroleum and chemical industries. Before equipment can be used, it is important for the user to understand the type of fluid being measured and the process being monitored. In some cases, a wrong selection of equipment can lead to inaccurate readings. We always evaluate the equipment and try to bring the user as much
  • 00:45:00 This equipment measures fluid flow in industrial processes by using high-density gauges that are difficult to measure because of their non-symmetrical flow profile. Slow fluids may then require the use of technology that is better suited to their situation. Alternatively, high-temperature fluids may be seen as more visible, but are actually adhesive. And finally, like mentioned earlier, fluids may change their characteristics with time, depending on temperature. In order to take into account these factors, this video introduces a coriolis flow meter, which is used for the measurement of diluents in processes such as gasification. This meter has a high resolution and can be applied to low-range measurements as well. In addition, it is important to note that the pressure drop of this equipment may be very low, but its performance may not be as good because it is working in a low-range measurement scale. This equipment is a type of vortex meter, which can be used to measure vapor. This particular meter is designed to generate a new magnetic field, and it is important to ensure that the meter is correctly calibrated. There is also another application of this technology, which is to measure fluid flow in pipelines. In this application, the temperature is higher in the diapositiva
  • 00:50:00 The error begins to be exponential, and we have another application with a greater flow of electromagnetic energy. Here, although the equipment is designed for harsh environmental conditions, some customers prefer to add protection in this case, since they want to avoid the machine filling with dust like it is happening with the transmitter. If we look at the environment's evolution, this is why the customer decides to take their measures, as it is very important to make maintenance to the equipment as we see here. Some electric connections were starting to break away, perhaps due to vibration or what they were hearing installed from the beginning. Suddenly, in previous situations where maintenance was performed, here we have another application with a measurement of gasoline and oil. Here we have a very special case where the previous customer had a medium with a moving positive displacement device and, each time they changed gasoline brands from their ISR, they had to change the device's factors of measurement. That signal, due to the fuel's high density, requires that customers simply take some international standards into account when making maintenance, as well as compensating for computer values in the previous club's computer. Another application with a water and crude measurement. Here we have a game of valves where the customer aligns with
  • 00:55:00 The video demonstrates how industrial caudalimeters work, and then goes on to show different types of industrial caudalimeters with their corresponding applications. There is also a demonstration of a water heating system. Finally, the video discusses how to use industrial caudalimeters for flow measurement and how to configure them for local operation. The video also discusses how industrial caudalimeters can be used for flow measurement and for diagnostics.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

This video discusses how industrial flow meters can be used to diagnose problems and predict future events. One particular feature of these meters that is important to note is that they can store past data so that the operator does not have to remember every event that has happened.

  • 01:00:00 This video shows industrial flow meters in operation, and then goes on to discuss how these meters can be used to diagnose problems and predict future events. One particular feature of these meters that is important to note is that they can store past data so that the operator does not have to remember every event that has happened. This is useful in cases where the operator is not available, such as at night.
  • 01:05:00 The goal of the measurement solution is to provide high accuracy and low pressure loss, while ensuring equipment is selected to match the application. Additional considerations include corrosion resistance and viscosity. The ideal solution would be affordable, adjustable to application conditions, and compatible with a good price.

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