Summary of Eugen Drewermann: Rede gegen den Krieg

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Eugen Drewermann is a philosopher and peace activist who has dedicated his life to ending war. In this video, he discusses the reasons for war and the need for a global political solution to end the war in Ukraine. He also speaks about the need for empathy and honesty in the international sphere, and how the current trend of militarization is not a viable solution to the problem of evil.

  • 00:00:00 Eugen Drewermann discusses the importance of achieving peace and the steps that need to be taken in order to do so. He specifically points to the need for Germany to reduce its military size and to engage in peace negotiations with Russia. The audience is deeply moved by the speech, and applause is heard throughout.
  • 00:05:00 Eugen Drewermann, a German war artist and last surviving member of the Stalingrad evacuation flight, discusses the horrors of war and the futility of fighting. He says that humans are not built to be soldiers, and that we would not behave in the manner we do if we had a true understanding of what war is. He concludes by urging people to stop fighting wars and to accept responsibility for their own actions. Eugen Drewermann was one of the last surviving members of the Stalingrad evacuation flight. He was evacuated from Stalingrad two years ago with two legs amputated due to injuries sustained in the battle. His depictions of the war in which he participated, including the bombing of Hamburg, resulted in the death of more than 40,000 people. In his book on the war, published in the West after the war, he describes the experience as a "black band" of death stretching under his feet. However, despite his harrowing experiences, he says that we should not call war "culture", and that the military is a "subversive" force that destroys all that is culture. He urges people to stop fighting wars, and to take responsibility for their own actions. Six weeks at Klausenhof concentration camp was enough to
  • 00:10:00 Eugen Drewermann discusses the importance of emotions and decisions in regards to war, and how nothing has meaning anymore since what was said to them by their mothers, fathers, teachers, and other authoritative figures. He goes on to say that categorizing things as good and bad is not a sensible way to think, and that humans are no longer limited to these categories. He concludes by saying that the atrocities committed by the Nazis and other war criminals in the Nuremberg trials were recognized by the American prosecutors as being the crimes of the soldiers themselves. If we maintain the military, it will be impossible to decline into a state of barbarism. This is why, in order to be saved, we must reform our political system and train our soldiers in an industrialized society, so that they are always opposed to war. Drewermann also warns that if we do not do this, we will face a future in which we are unprotected and vulnerable.
  • 00:15:00 The video Eugen Drewermann, a Swiss philosopher, presents his argument that we should not be afraid of war, but instead should fear those who might initiate it. He states that we should not rely on fear to overcome our fear, but rather use it to scare potential aggressors into not attacking us. He also argues that, in order to prevent future wars, we need to find weapons that are even worse than those currently in existence. Drewermann believes that the only way to achieve this is to develop solar energy and fusion technology, which would allow us to harvest hydrogen from the sky. He believes that, if we can achieve this, we will have overcome the threat of war forever.
  • 00:20:00 Eugen Drewermann, a prominent peace activist, discusses the importance of overcoming fear in order to build a better world. He references the 1991 disarmament talks between the United States and the Soviet Union, during which thousands of people were on the streets fearing a nuclear war. He says that, in order to build a lasting peace, we need to find a new motivation, beyond simply being afraid. This can be done by trusting in ourselves and our own sense of morality, rather than being scared of the unknown. Drewermann calls on the current government to take this message to the public, and make the steps necessary to overcome fear and build a lasting peace.
  • 00:25:00 Eugen Drewermann discusses the importance of economic rather than military solutions to the problems in Ukraine. He argues that the construction of a Russia-proof infrastructure has been a mistake, and that if only we had fought Hitler instead of Stalin, the war in Europe would have been a much shorter and easier affair. Forty kilometers from Moscow, the Germans had already won the war if they had only been allowed to march forward. America's strategy of relying exclusively on military might to achieve its goals has been unsuccessful, and has led to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Drewermann was eleven years old when he heard Konrad Adenauer speak about Germany's duty to defend Korea. Seven years later, in 1965, Chancellor Adenauer signed the European Defense Community Treaty, which reaffirmed Germany's commitment to the NATO alliance. In 1969, after three years of conservative rule by Franz Joseph Strauss, the Social Democrats were elected to government in a landslide victory. They set about reforming the armed forces to make them more effective in an imperialistic global context. Under the leadership of Gerhard Schröder, the Social Democrats were re-elected in 2002 and pledged to reduce military spending by 50 percent. They have not lived up to this promise, however, and the military
  • 00:30:00 Eugen Drewermann discusses the benefits of reducing the number of wars and talks about the current situation in Ukraine, where NATO is expanding eastward. He also speaks about the need to overcome fear and build solidarity in the face of anxiety-driven ambitions, saying that as Americans, we have a responsibility to intervene in humanitarian missions around the world. Twenty years of experience in Afghanistan has not changed people's thoughts on the need for military intervention, as seen in Mali.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the responsibility of wealthy countries, and points out that while this responsibility is important, it's necessary to also look at how these countries are viewed by people who no longer have a sense of where they're going. People who are fleeing conflict in places like Syria, Libya, and Ukraine are now being welcomed in Germany, and will be there in 20 years time. Russia will be cursed and Putin hated for what they do, but these people are essential for the world's economy. If we don't intervene now, we will lose our chance to prevent human beings from becoming extinct due to hunger. We need to change the way we think about war, and stop using morality as a weapon to push people into doing what's wrong. Erasmus described the dangers of this mindset in 1520, and it is still happening today. We need to fight the idea that war is always the right thing to do, and that it's a victory to achieve victory through the use of the most destructive weapons. People will start saying that he who conquers is justified in using any means necessary to achieve victory, and this will lead to the destruction of millions. We have to stop this now. In the future, we will be
  • 00:40:00 Eugen Drewermann discusses the reasons for war in the 21st century, and the dangers of dividing people into "good" and "bad" factions. He argues that the fight against evil is a personal responsibility, and that we must be better than our worst enemies if we want to save humanity. He also points out that the current trend of militarization is not a viable solution to the problem of evil, and will only make the world worse.
  • 00:45:00 Eugen Drewermann, a philosopher and peace activist, speaks about the need for a global political solution to the war in Ukraine and the need for honesty in the international sphere. He criticizes the use of war as a means of resolving disputes, and calls for a global consensus to end the war.
  • 00:50:00 Eugen Drewermann discusses the reasons for war, the history of the Ukraine, and the effects of the wars on the people. He mentions the media's tendency to glorify war and the need for empathy, which are lost in the race to be first to develop weapons. He argues that the development of weapons is counterproductive to the goal of peace, and that we should be aiming for a more humane society instead.
  • 00:55:00 Eugen Drewermann discusses the reasons why America should not get involved in more wars, and how the world has changed since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 2001. He also speaks with Michael Lombard about the Dalai Lama's answer to a question about whether or not violence is necessary for progress, and how the current situation in Europe could lead to World War III. Finally, he mentions how the current state of the world economy is a major obstacle to lasting peace.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

Eugen Drewermann argues for pacifism in the face of war, saying that peace can only be achieved by starting with the peace itself. He urges people to begin the journey towards peace, and receives applause from the audience at the end of the video.

  • 01:00:00 Eugen Drewermann urges pacifism in the face of war, citing the example of Mahatma Gandhi. He argues that peace can only be achieved by starting with the peace itself, and that anyone who does not begin this journey cannot succeed. The video ends with applause from the audience.

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