Summary of 05 NLT - Acts

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The book of Acts tells the story of how Jesus' apostles preached the gospel to the world. They were often met with opposition, but they continued to spread the news of Jesus' resurrection. The book ends with the apostles Barnabas and Saul continuing to preach the gospel in different parts of the world.

  • 00:00:00 In the book of Acts, chapter one, theophilus is told about what Jesus began to do and teach until the day he ascended to heaven. After his Ascension, Jesus appeared to the apostles from time to time and proved to them that he was alive. He also talked to them about the kingdom of God. One of these meetings happened after Jesus ate a meal with the apostles. He told them not to leave Jerusalem until the father sends them what he promised. The father set those dates and they are not for the apostles to know. When the holy spirit came upon the apostles, they were able to speak in other languages. Some jews from Jerusalem were present when they heard the sound and came running to see what it was. They were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers. After the apostles were filled with the holy spirit, they were able to preach in other languages. Finally, after they had been preaching for some time, they chose Matthias to replace Judas.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, we see various people speaking different languages, some of which are Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew. Peter, one of the apostles, steps forward and shouts to the crowd that they should listen carefully because some of them are saying that the people are drunk. Peter goes on to say that what they are seeing is predicted centuries ago by the prophet Joel, and that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Many in the crowd were convicted by Peter's words and decided to turn from their sins and turn to God. They were then baptized and added to the church.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses how the early Christians met together and shared their possessions, worshiped together at the temple, and shared meals with great joy. The Lord added to their group those who were being saved.
  • 00:15:00 This passage tells the story of how two apostles, Peter and John, were threatened by the leaders of Jerusalem for preaching about Jesus. The apostles were eventually allowed to leave and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • 00:20:00 The apostles were arrested and put on trial for teaching in Jesus' name, but were eventually freed. The high priest and council members were angry that the apostles were succeeding in spreading the gospel without their help, and they ordered them to stop. The apostles were flogged, but refused to stop preaching. Finally, the high priest ordered them to leave Jerusalem. The apostles left rejoicing that they were able to suffer dishonor for Jesus' name.
  • 00:25:00 Seven men, chosen by Jesus Christ Himself, were put in charge of the distribution of food in Jerusalem. The apostles, who were spending their time preaching and teaching instead of administering the food program, were pleased with the idea. Stephen, Philip, Nicholas, Prominence, Nyquener, Tymon, and Nicholas all became Christians as a result of this. Stephen's face became as bright as an angel, and he performed many miracles. However, one day some men from the synagogue of freed slaves, as it was called, accused Stephen of blasphemy. The crowd became enraged, and the elders and teachers of religious law arrested Stephen and brought him before the high council. The lying witnesses said that Stephen always spoke against the temple and the law of Moses. Stephen replied that his glorious God had appeared to Abraham in Mesopotamia before he moved to Haran, and had told him to leave his birthplace and come to the land He would show him. Pharaoh appointed a governor over all of Egypt and put Joseph in charge of all of Pharaoh's affairs. However, a famine came upon Egypt and the people were in great misery. God told Abraham that his descendants would live in a foreign country, where they would be mistreated as slaves for four hundred years. However,
  • 00:30:00 In this video, Moses is described as a man who fulfills his promise to Abraham and greatly increases the number of Israelites in Egypt. However, a new king comes to the throne of Egypt who does not know about Joseph, and he plots against the Israelites. Moses is born a beautiful child and is raised by Pharaoh's daughter. He is taught all the wisdom of the Egyptians and becomes mighty in both speech and action. One day, while he is 40 years old, he decides to visit his relatives in Israel. While there, he sees an Egyptian treating a man of Israel poorly, and Moses comes to the man's defense and kills the Egyptian. This leads to a series of conflicts with the Israelites, in which Moses is often met with hostility. Eventually, God sends Moses into exile in Babylon. Moses' ancestors carried the tabernacle with them through the wilderness, and it was used there until the time of King David. David requests the privilege of building a permanent temple for God, but it is Solomon who actually builds it. God tells Solomon that he is able to build a dwelling place for him, but humans are never able to create something as good as heaven or earth. The Lord also asks Solomon if he could ever build him a temple as
  • 00:35:00 This passage from the book of Isaiah describes a man who is led to his death without protest. When Philip asks the man what he is reading, the man replies that he doesn't know, since there is no one to instruct him. Philip then begs to be allowed to sit with the man, and when the man agrees, Philip listens to the passage of scripture the man is reading. The passage talks about a person who is led to their death, and when Philip asks the man if he is talking about himself or someone else, the man replies that he is not sure.
  • 00:40:00 Philip and an Eunuch travel together and Philip baptizes him. Saul, the leader of the Jews, is on a mission to arrest followers of Jesus and bring them back to Jerusalem in chains. Ananias, a believer in Damascus, meets Saul and tells him that Jesus has sent him to restore Saul's sight. Saul is baptized and continues to preach boldly in the name of Jesus. The Jews in Damascus plot to kill Saul, but he is warned and escapes through a hole in the city wall. Saul eventually meets with the apostles and is accepted into the Christian faith.
  • 00:45:00 In Acts 10, a Roman army captain named Cornelius experiences a vision in which he is instructed to send for a man named Simon Peter. Peter and Cornelius talk, and Cornelius is amazed to learn that Peter is a human being like him. Cornelius then invites Peter to his home, where Peter heals a paralyzed man named Aeneas. This news quickly spreads throughout the town, and many believers convert to Christianity. Peter stays in Caesarea for some time, preaching and helping the disciples. One day, Cornelius's relatives and friends come to meet Peter, and Cornelius falls to the ground in worship. Peter helps Cornelius to his feet, and they talk.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses Acts 11, in which Cornelius and his disciples come to Peter in Jerusalem to report that God has chosen them to spread the news of Jesus' resurrection to the Gentiles. When Peter arrives, some of Cornelius' Jewish followers criticize him for entering into a Gentile home and eating with them. Peter responds that what happened was a result of prayer, not of impurity. The video then goes on to describe how the Holy Spirit fell on the believers when they heard Peter's message and how Cornelius' objections were answered. The video ends with Peter preaching to the Gentiles in Joppa and announcing that they will be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • 00:55:00 In Acts, Barnabas and Saul travel to different parts of the world preaching the good news of Jesus. In Antioch, they convert many Gentiles, and when the church in Jerusalem hears about it, they send Barnabas and Saul to Antioch with relief supplies. Later, Herod Agrippa arrests and executes Peter for his faith. However, the gospel is still spreading, and Barnabas and Saul continue preaching. When Herod dies, he is angry with the people of Tyre for making peace with Rome, and he orders a full search for Peter. When that fails, he interrogates the guards and sentences them to death. Though he is angry with the people of Tyre, the gospel still continues to spread.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In the video, it is discussed that Paul was arrested and about to be killed by the Jews. A nephew of Paul's arrived and told the governor what was going on. The governor ordered the man kept in prison, and then he read the letter from the governor to the accused. The accused replied that he knew the governor had been a judge of Jewish affairs for many years, and that this gave him confidence. He goes on to say that the accusations against him are not true, and that he follows the way of the Nazarenes, a sect that worship the God of their ancestors. He admits to following the Jewish law, but denies provoking any riots. The governor asks him to explain his beliefs, and the accused replies that he has hope in God just like the Jews do. The governor then orders him to stand down.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses Acts 13, in which Barnabas and Saul (later known as Saint Paul) travel to Antioch in Syria to spread the gospel to the Jews. Saul and Barnabas are sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, and they go down to the seaport of Seleucia, then sail for the island of Cyprus. In the town of Salamis, they go to the Jewish synagogues and preach the word of God. John Mark accompanies them. After this, Barnabas and Saul travel to different towns across Cyprus, preaching the gospel. At the end of their journey, they reach Paphos, where John Mark leaves them. Barnabas and Saul then go inland to Antioch of Presidio, where they attend the synagogue on the Sabbath. The leaders there send them this message: "If you have any word of encouragement for us, come and give it to us." Barnabas and Saul then speak to the people of Israel and the devout Gentiles, telling them about the promise of salvation God has made to them. John the Baptist is mentioned in the video, and it is stated that he was not the Messiah, but that Jesus is coming soon and he is worthy of being called "slave." Barn
  • 01:05:00 This video discusses the idea that Acts 2: 26-36 is referring to Jesus' resurrection, and that Acts 2: 37-41 is talking about how Gentiles will be able to receive salvation through Jesus. The video also says that when the apostles heard about the planned attack, they fled and preached in other cities.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses Acts 15, in which Paul and Barnabas dispute with some Jewish Christians about whether gentiles should keep the Jewish law of circumcision. After a lengthy discussion, the apostles and elders agree that gentiles should be allowed to follow the law of Moses, but only if they abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, sexual immorality, and consuming blood or meat from strangled animals.
  • 01:15:00 The letter sent from the apostles and elders in Jerusalem to the gentile believers in Antioch and Cilicia discusses the requirements for membership in the Christian faith. The messengers, Judas and Silas, report that the apostles and elders have unanimously agreed to these requirements and that they are sending them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas to put them into effect. Judas and Silas speak to the Christians in Antioch and Cilicia about the decisions made by the apostles and elders and encourage them. Timothy, a young disciple of Jesus, is invited to join the apostles and elders on their trip to Macedonia, but Paul objects to taking him because he has deserted them in the past. Silas volunteers to stay behind and preach in Philippi while the apostles and elders journey on to Macedonia. After staying in Philippi for a few days, the apostles and elders leave for Macedonia. They travel through the area of Phrygia and Galatia and arrive at the province of Bithynia, but the Holy Spirit does not let them enter. They continue their journey and arrive at the city of Troas, where Paul has a vision of a man from Macedonia pleading for him to come and help them. The apostles and elders decide to leave for Macedonia at
  • 01:20:00 Paul and Silas traveled through several towns, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. The people of each town were receptive to the message, but the leaders of each town were jealous and attempted to stop the missionaries. In Thessalonica, the Jewish leaders captured and beat Jason and some of the believers, thinking they had found Paul and Silas. When they found out they were wrong, they released Jason and the believers, and Paul and Silas traveled to Berea. There, the people were more open-minded and were receptive to Paul's message. Some Jews who were in Thessalonica learned of the situation and came to Berea to drag Paul and Silas before the city council, but they were unsuccessful. Jason and the believers in Berea were also successful in bribing the city officials. Paul and Silas then returned to their home in Thessalonica and continued preaching the gospel.
  • 01:25:00 Paul went from city to city preaching about Jesus Christ and His resurrection. He was met with hostility and insults from the Jews, but prevailed in his defense. He then went to Corinth and preached to a group of Jews who had recently immigrated to the city. Many of these Jews accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Paul then spent a year and a half teaching the gospel to this group before he was arrested and brought before the governor. Paul successfully defended himself before being released.
  • 01:30:00 In this narrative, Galio, the governor of Corinth, refuses to judge a case involving Jews and Christians, stating that it is a matter of words and names and that their laws should be taken into account. The Jews, led by Sasthanies, attack Paul in the courtroom, but Galio pays them no attention. Paul leaves Corinth and visits other cities before arriving in Ephesus. There, he meets a group of Christians and converts them, preaching about Jesus Christ while refuting the beliefs of the Jews. Some of the believers, wanting to distance themselves from Paul, plot to kill him. But God gives him supernatural abilities to protect himself, and he is able to drive the Jews out of Ephesus. He stays in the city for two more years and preaches to people throughout the province of Asia. Many of the people who hear him become believers and confess their sins. One group of magic-users tries to use the name of Jesus to cast out a demon, but their attempt fails. After two years of preaching, Paul leaves Ephesus and returns to his home in Galatia.
  • 01:35:00 After his conversion, Paul travels to Macedonia, ikea, and Rome. He sends his two assistants, Timothy and Erased, ahead to Macedonia while he stays a while longer in the province of Asia. Serious trouble develops in Ephesus concerning the way the city's craftsmen worship Artemis, and the city's citizens begin to shout and make confusion. Paul tries to enter the amphitheater but the believers won't let him, and he returns to Ephesus. Shortly after, a plot is discovered to kill Paul, and he returns to Macedonia again. After he finishes his travels, Paul returns to Ephesus and preaches to the citizens.
  • 01:40:00 Paul travels by land to the city of Acts, where he meets up with some disciples who had been sent to meet him. They prophecy that he should not go to Jerusalem, due to the persecution that is awaiting him. Paul decides to continue on to Jerusalem anyway, and his disciples accompany him. Upon arriving in Jerusalem, Paul is arrested and put in prison. After three years in prison, he is freed and returns to his original mission.
  • 01:45:00 Paul arrives in Jerusalem and is met with acclaim from the believers there. The next day, he gives a detailed account of his ministry to the Gentiles, and they praise God. However, they say that there are many jewish Christians living in the gentile world who are following Paul's teachings that they should turn their backs on the laws of Moses. Paul agrees to a request from the believers to go and meet with the jewish leaders in order to clear up the misunderstanding. Once he is able to speak to the people in their own language, he reveals that he is a jew from Tarsus and that he has been raised and educated in Jerusalem. He states that he is zealous to follow the Jewish laws and customs, just as they are. The commander of the Roman regiment arrives and is informed of the commotion in Jerusalem. He goes to the temple and sees Paul standing on the stair case. The crowd begins to become violent and the soldiers have to lift Paul to protect him. The crowd follows behind shouting kill him, but Paul manages to talk to the commander, who allows him to speak. Paul tells the commander that he would like to have a word with the people. The commander agrees and Paul stands on the stairs and speaks to the people in
  • 01:50:00 Paul is brought before the Jewish high council to try to determine what the problem is with the large crowd of people who are angry with him. He explains that he has always lived before God in all good conscience and is being persecuted because of it. The council is divided over what to do, with the Pharisees and Sadducees fighting over whether or not there is a resurrection. Paul eventually gets them to quiet down by explaining that he is a Pharisee and his hope is in the resurrection of the dead.
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses a man named Paul who was arrested and was about to be killed by jews. A nephew of Paul's arrived and told the governor what was going on. The governor ordered the man kept in prison, and then he read the letter from the governor to the accused. The accused replied that he knew the governor had been a judge of Jewish affairs for many years, and that this gave him confidence. He goes on to say that the accusations against him are not true, and that he follows the way of the Nazarenes, a sect that worship the God of their ancestors. He admits to following the jewish law, but denies provoking any riots. The governor asks him to explain his beliefs, and the accused replies that he has hope in God just like the jews do. The governor then orders him to stand down, and the video ends.

02:00:00 - 02:15:00

In this video, Paul describes his time after he was shipwrecked and stranded on the island of Malta. The islanders were very kind to him and built a fire for him to warm up. One night, a poisonous snake bit Paul, but he shook it off and was unharmed. The people of the island changed their minds about Paul, and began to believe that he was a god. Paul spent three months in Rome visiting believers and teaching them about Jesus. No one tried to stop him.

  • 02:00:00 Paul is accused of wrongdoing by the Jewish High Council, but he appeals to the emperor, who sends him back to jail until he can arrange for a trial in Jerusalem. Agrippa and Bernice visit him and are surprised by the lack of evidence against Paul. Festus orders Paul brought in and tells the king and others present that there is no real charge against him, but King Agrippa wants to hear Paul himself. Paul testifies to his innocence and appeals to the emperor once again.
  • 02:05:00 Paul is arrested in Jerusalem and sent to Rome for trial. He is released by the captain of an army regiment and goes to Corinth. There, he preaches the gospel to the Gentiles. When they hear about his experiences in Jerusalem, the Jews plot to kill him. However, God protects him and he continues to preach. The captain of the army decides to let Paul go and he returns to Corinth.
  • 02:10:00 The ship sailed from Cyprus to Myra in Syria, where they met an Egyptian ship bound for Italy. The weather became bad, and the ship was blown out to sea. A group of sailors decided to swim to shore, but Paul convinced them to stay aboard. The ship eventually capsized and all 276 of the sailors were lost.
  • 02:15:00 In this passage, Paul describes his time after the shipwreck, when he and the other survivors were stranded on the island of Malta. The islanders were very kind to them and built a fire for them to warm up. One night, a poisonous snake bit Paul, but he shook it off and was unharmed. The people of the island changed their minds about Paul, and began to believe that he was a god. Paul spent three months in Rome visiting believers and teaching them about Jesus. No one tried to stop him.

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