Summary of CHAMUCO TV. Pablo Gómez

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00:00:00 - 00:55:00

In this YouTube video, Pablo Gómez discusses how opponents of change often resort to lies in order to prevent progress. He points out that this tactic has been used for decades, and that it's important to address these falsehoods head-on, rather than letting them continue to fester.

  • 00:00:00 The video features Pablo Gómez, the Secretary of Intelligence and Finance of Chile, and discusses his opinion on the recent campaign in Chile. Gómez argues that there are two groups of people in charge of the Reforma electoral in Chile- the group that is dominant and takes the main decisions, and the group that is opposing and active in the opposition. He goes on to say that recently there have been extreme actions taken by the INE, such as cancelling registration for political opponents, which is unheard of for an institution that is supposed to be impartial. He concludes the video by saying that this is an attack on political freedom and that the citizens who voted for the passive vote should be very angry.
  • 00:05:00 In this YouTube video, Pablo Gómez discusses the recent CHAMUCO TV poll that showed Sebastian Piñera with a large lead over Kamala Harris. Gómez discusses the controversy around the poll and how it forms part of a larger "faccional" trend. He also points out that the INE, the institution responsible for conducting elections, has been used by the opposition to fight their own political agendas. He concludes by saying that the INE's design flaws have made it easy for a dominant group to control the institution and manipulate elections.
  • 00:10:00 In November, Mexico celebrates the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution, which was led by men. However, women were essential in many ways and played important roles in the movement. This week's video remembers Sara Pérez Romero, better known as Francisco I Madero's wife. Sara was a political and activist who was born in 1870 in Querétaro, Mexico. She studied in Mexico and the United States, and married Francisco I Madero in 1903. Sara was active in antireelectionist clubs and campaigned for Madero alongside him during the presidential campaign. When Madero became president, Sara continued to be an important political figure. She organized events to aid victims of the dictatorship, met with the daughters of Cuauhtémoc and Doña Marina, and founded the Cruz Blanca neutral for humanity. Sara also founded the educational unit for literacy alongside María Arias Bernal, a teacher and activist. Sara and Francisco I Madero had two daughters together.
  • 00:15:00 In a video interview, Pablo Gómez discusses the electoral reform movement in Mexico. Sara Pérez Romero, Sara's husband and political activist, is also discussed. In 2006, Mexican elections were widely considered to be fraudulent, but results from some polling stations were released even though others were not. Gómez points out that this disparity is not unique to Brazil; it is a common feature of all voter-counting systems. Sara Pérez Romero, who is little known in the United States, was a militant revolutionary who fought for education, women's rights, and peace. We remember her.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the expensive and ineffective electoral process in Mexico, where voting costs 12 dollars per vote. The presenter points out that this is much higher than in other countries, and that Mexican elections are often fraudulent due to the high cost of votes. The presenter also mentions that Mexican elections are often delayed, which further complicates the process. The presenter suggests that the Mexican Institute of Electoral Security (IMAN) hire an outside consultant to help improve the process.
  • 00:25:00 On December 1, 2015, the CHAMUCO TV election system went online, allowing for more accurate voting. However, Pablo Gómez alleges that he was fired from his job as an electrical engineer for raising concerns about the system. He then goes on to explain the problems with the electoral system in Mexico. He concludes by asking the public what they think should be done to improve the quality of democracy in Mexico. Pablo Gómez worked as an electrical engineer for the CHAMUCO TV election system. He alleges that he was fired after raising concerns about the system's accuracy and transparency. Gómez explains that the electoral system in Mexico is flawed due to the president's power to appoint key members of the electoral bodies, as well as the Senate's role in choosing three out of five candidates selected for election. Gómez believes that the current electoral system is not reliable, and asks the public what they think should be done to improve it.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the difficulty of filtering oneself into the political process in Mexico, and points out that the current system, in which elected officials are chosen by a mix of public and private institutions, is not working well. Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposes a change to the system, in which candidates for public office are nominated by the public and then compete in an open election. However, there is opposition from some lawmakers who argue that this would violate fundamental political rights. The presenter cites an example from ancient Rome in which magistrates were elected by the people. He argues that this is still a fundamental right in contemporary democracies and that the Chamber of Deputies should name its members from both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
  • 00:35:00 Pablo Gomez explains how the current two-party system blocks the real plurality of opinions in Mexico, and how they want to create a more representative system where the people's voices are actually heard. They propose a more a-pegged system, where the number of representatives a party gets is based on its percentage of the vote, as opposed to the current system in which parties are allotted 300 districts based on their historical English-speaking powerbase. This election, voters would also have the option to elect independent candidates.
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Pablo Gomez discusses the 250 distritos and 250 list of electeds in Mexico's plurinominal system. He states that although it is the same system as now, nothing is really changing as the number of congressmen is only increasing by 300. He also says that because there are so many congressmen, it is not one of the countries with the largest congresses. He argues that the main problem is not the funding of the parties, but that they are not necessary at all given the 300 district-level plurinominal systems. He also says that in order to give meaning to the 300 districts, they should be proportional. He criticizes the idea of removing the parties' time from the media and from electoral campaigns, saying that it will do nothing but disadvantage the less well-funded parties. He also says that it is important for parties to have honest leaders with intellectual integrity, and that they lack this quality currently. He concludes by saying that the Instituto Electoral del País (IEp) should have exclusive control over the electoral list, and no one else should have this right.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the planned list of citizens, which will be more comprehensive due to the creation of a curve in the country at this moment. There is already a series of things happening in a moment - the list of citizens, including citizens and two citizens, will be completed. The system will be more modern than what is currently in place with the INE's registry cards. We are constructing an instrument of the 21st century - the era of information and communication technologies. However, this cannot be accomplished right now with the new institute. It will still continue with the registry cards and with these structures from the 20th century - for a while longer. The main problem is that, to touch the system, it would require a political change that would affect all of the processes that have been established over the last 20 years. It would also require the election of a new council with fewer members, and the replacement of the current system with a more modern one. However, the government is not moving fast enough in many areas, among others because of internet access not being widespread in Mexico. One of the government's goals is to make Mexico fully digital by 2021. Some people do not like that certain groups are being removed from the registry - such as foreigners
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the current political situation in Chile, and the new governing force that has not been in power before and has a completely different program than the opposition. These changes are due to the strong economic growth in recent years, which has benefited some sectors more than others. The political fight is fierce, but another thing is trying to discredit the government with lies and false claims. This is because then a healthy relationship is created between the government and its opponents. The video also discusses the current state of the electoral process in Chile, and explains why the name change for the National Electoral Council (CNE) is not enough. The CNE should also be responsible for the elections, and once it is changed, the property of the CNE should be given to the Instituto Nacional de Elecciones y Consultas (INE), which was formerly the Interior Ministry. This would return stolen property to the people. The project's Transitorio (transitional measure) is clear and straightforward, and once the INE is operational, it will be responsible for electing representatives to Congress and the Constitutional Court. This is a sensible proposal that should be approved without any further delay.
  • 00:55:00 In this YouTube video, Pablo Gómez discusses how opponents of change often resort to lies in order to prevent progress. He points out that this tactic has been used for decades, and that it's important to address these falsehoods head-on, rather than letting them continue to fester. He also suggests that opponents of change should debate each other on the basis of reality, rather than their own preconceived notions. Finally, he thanks the viewers for watching and advises them to visit his store in Chamuco, Mexico.

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