Summary of La Educación Prohibida - Película Completa HD Oficial

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the importance of education and how the current educational system often does more harm than good. It argues that schools should focus more on individual needs and fostering a loving relationship between students and teachers.

  • 00:00:00 This documentary follows several people as they discuss the importance of education and their own experiences with it. They discuss the different types of schools and their pros and cons, before coming to the conclusion that an education which seeks to help people gain a good standard of living and work towards bettering their communities is the ideal type.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses how students in Latin America do not learn much after 12 years of schooling. Javier suggests that the system is poorly designed and that the root of the problem lies in the paradigmatic conception of education, which is a problem of basic definition. The video also discusses how teacher training schools and universities have always told teachers to aim for grades, which create conflicts at the cognitive level. Consequently, children are actively encouraged to compete with each other and the best students receive recognition, rewards, and those who don't do well in exams are scolded.
  • 00:10:00 This YouTube video provides a summary of the film, La educación prohibida. The film discusses the ways in which education in Argentina is structured in a way that reinforces competition and individualism, and how this adversely affects students' emotional well-being. The film also highlights the ways in which teachers are limited by the system they work within, and how this can lead to poor teaching.
  • 00:15:00 This video examines the history of compulsory education, highlighting the origins of the system in Prussia during the Enlightenment period. The video also discusses the ways in which public education has been used to control and manipulate the populations of various countries throughout history.
  • 00:20:00 The education system in developed countries is designed to produce obedient, productive citizens. Schools are characterized by standardized tests, division by age, compulsory classes, disconnected curricula, and pressure on teachers and students. These practices have dehumanized students and teachers and have limited their ability to fulfill individual needs. This system is harmful to students and should be abolished.
  • 00:25:00 The video examines the negative effects of schools on children's learning and development. It points out that schools should be more like playgrounds, where children are encouraged to explore and learn on their own.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the idea that children are naturally intelligent and capable of learning a lot of things without attending school. It goes on to say that, in a dogmatic environment, violence can easily reproduce itself. The talk then shifts to the idea that, beyond the mind itself, all of us are geniuses. The speaker suggests that, in order to help children reach their full potential, schools should focus more on fostering a loving, sound relationship between students and teachers.
  • 00:35:00 The children in the video argue that school does not provide enough opportunities for creativity and that the current educational system is harmful to children. They propose that children be allowed to learn in their own way, with their own interests and motivations, and that this process be enjoyable for all involved. The video ends with the children providing a summary of what they have just said.
  • 00:40:00 This video provides a history and description of education, highlighting the importance of play in learning. It discusses the trend of "active school" and its importance, noting that this is nothing new. The video also discusses the importance of revealing mysteries and evoking situations in nature that are not explained to students in school. This allows students to be amazed and try to find explanations for them.
  • 00:45:00 This video is a documentary about the history of education, and the main points are that traditional schooling methods were based on archaic theories and were ineffective, that new pedagogical methods emerged in the early 20th century but were eventually abandoned because of fears of totalitarian states, and that the method of informal education is born from questioning and not from answers in order. The importance of questioning has been present in philosophy for centuries, but it is still important for educators to aid in the unveiling instead of imposing an answer on students.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the pros and cons of traditional schooling, and argues that the process of teaching children should be based on their individual needs, rather than adapting to their culture. The speaker concludes by saying that she is already somebody, and that she doesn't need school to help her achieve her goals.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses the importance of love in development and learning, and how rewards and punishments can often limit and restrict a person's abilities. It suggests that schools should focus more on providing opportunities and resources rather than punishing students.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video discusses the importance of giving children autonomy in their education, and how this is best achieved through giving them responsibility, freedom, and control over their own learning process. It also discusses the importance of marking evaluations objectively, and stresses that the child himself should be the one who evaluates his progress.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the origins of modern schooling, public propaganda, and behavioral modification, and how these practices have harmed society. It points out that children learn best when they are allowed to follow their own instincts, and that it is up to parents to provide this environment.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the importance of recognizing and celebrating individual differences, and how this can be done in a healthy way. It discusses how children are often forced to conform to a set of predetermined expectations, which can lead to them feeling stressed and unhappy. The video argues that this type of education is harmful to children, and that it is necessary to value diversity in order to foster a sense of creativity and individuality.
  • 01:10:00 The author discusses the idea that children are more hiperactive now than in the past, and that this may be due to environmental reasons such as increased noise levels or stress. She argues that a holistic approach to education is the best way to deal with these issues. She discusses the importance of the arts in this regard, and the need for schools to be open to a variety of experiences.
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses the importance of education, and how it should be free and open to allow for students to learn what they want to learn and at their own pace. It also discusses the importance of freedom, and how it allows for students to learn what they want to learn and to not be constrained by anyone.
  • 01:20:00 This video discusses the importance of giving children autonomy in their education, and how this is best achieved through giving them responsibility, freedom, and control over their own learning process. It also discusses the importance of marking evaluations objectively, and stresses that the child himself should be the one who evaluates his progress.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses the benefits of integrated education, which is hard to find in typical urban schools. It argues that it is enriching for children and for the teachers, as it allows for ethics to develop through everyday experiences. The video also discusses the benefits of having children of different ages together, which helps to stimulate their learning.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses the importance of education and how it can help to create order in chaotic lives. It emphasizes the importance of discipline, which is the learning of correct behaviour. Schools have turned discipline into a one-way street where children are simply told what to do and are not allowed to learn how to manage their own behaviour. If children are allowed to learn how to respect others and manage their own behaviour, they will be able to coexist peacefully with others.
  • 01:35:00 The video discusses the importance of education, explaining that if rules and power structures in schools are allowed to exist, it will be difficult for young people to make responsible decisions. It goes on to say that children should learn to work in groups, to listen to others, and to accept different ideas. Finally, the video discusses the concept of participation, which should be learned in the classroom.
  • 01:40:00 The video discusses the idea that education should not be confined to school, and that it should be available in a variety of other settings. It argues that this is best done by removing the scholarly elements from school.
  • 01:45:00 The children in the video are criticizing the educational system, and the teacher argues that the children are only criticizing because they don't understand the opportunity that is presented to them. The teacher believes that the key to making a change in the educational system is to first care for the children, and to communicate with them in a clear manner.
  • 01:50:00 The system of education in Chile is characterized by a lack of freedom for teachers, who are rewarded and punished based on their performance ratings and bureaucratic systems. Teachers in Chile need to develop a relationship with their students that is based on trust and mutual respect. This requires a deep self-examination and inner journey of self-knowledge. If a teacher is not enjoying their work, the children will not be able to benefit from their education.
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses the importance of family, education, and the need for parents to have a direct involvement in their children's education in order to create a genuine and meaningful project. The speaker argues that without the involvement of families, educators will struggle to create meaningful and effective projects with students.

02:00:00 - 02:15:00

The video discusses different forms of education and argues that parents should be primarily responsible for raising their children. It ends with a call for people to join a group working to change education.

  • 02:00:00 The speaker discusses the idea that schools should not be the primary source of education for children, and that parents should be the ones primarily responsible for raising their children. He points out that this is not the case in developed countries, where school schedules and separation from parents has created a generation of children who are not wholly satisfied with themselves. The speaker argues that children need to be with their parents to learn to be content with who they are, and that this can only be accomplished if parents are happy themselves.
  • 02:05:00 The speaker discusses how children need love and proximity to grow, and how the best way to provide that is to let the child develop at his own pace. She believes that parents should set aside their expectations and attachments to the world and simply provide love and care for their children. If parents do this, they will help create a better society for their children.
  • 02:10:00 This film discusses the many experiments taking place in education, all of which aim to provide a more meaningful and engaging experience for students. Some of the examples mentioned include Active Education, Popular, Libertarian, Cooperative, Free, Ecological, Democratic, Holistic Ethnic, Education without School, and Home Schooling. The film ends with a call to reunite education and parents, and to allow students to make their own choices.
  • 02:15:00 The video, called "La Educación Prohibida - Película Completa HD Oficial," is a call for people to think about education in a different way and to come together to create change. The video includes clips from different parts of the world, where people are discussing different forms of education. The video ends with a call for people to join a group called REEVO, which is working to change education.

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